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Saturday, August 9, 2008


John Edwards and Rielle Hunter's case has already been exposed. John Edwards finally admitted that he had an affair with Rielle Hunter. John Edwards is now "fessing" and admits affair with Riello Hunter! But Edwards said that he is not the father of women baby, Rielle Hunter's baby. Yeah yeah, it sounds very similar to "I did not have sex with this woman."

John Edwards admitted today that ABC News had an affair with Rielle Hunter, but said he did not father a child with the woman, named Frances Quinn Hunter. Yeah, right! John Edwards affair real income probably sits well with his wife, Elizabeth Edwards.

In an interview tonight that issue in Nightline, John Edwards said he had an affair with a 42-year-old woman named Rielle Hunter, but not the master. That will feel his great huh?

The National Enquirer initially broke the story last December, after an extensive investigation.

John Edwards said despite the affair, he is not the father of Hunter's girl, Frances Quinn Hunter. However, it has not taken a paternity test, told ABC News.

Edwards said that his romance with Hunter ended too soon for him to be the child's father, who was born on February 27. But a campaign aide said he was the father of the child. They tried to blame a friend of John Edwards' call Andrew Young. Took the heat for Edwards!

Rielle Hunter's friends told ABC News that Edwards Hunter met in a bar in New York City in 2006. She was paid $ 114000 to produce its CAP documentries campaign despite his lack of experience, according to ABC News.

Edwards said the affair began Rielle, while Hunter was working for the campaign.

In an interview with Bob Woodruff to air tonight, Edwards admits having an affair with Hunter, but said that began and ended while the cancer that afflicts his wife, Elizabeth Edwards, was in remission. The disease has already burned again.

ABC News said that Edwards, who has not taken a paternity test, argued that there could be the father of Hunter's baby because the affair ended before conception of the child. A former assistant, Andrew Young, has said he is the father although a birth certificate apparently not ready to father a child. Leaving the birth certificate blank really raises a red flag!

Not yet said if Edwards has been Barack Obama on the list of vice presidential contenders, but they admit the case to Hunter Rielle an end to that thought!

Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, who has an incurable form of cancer, learned of the affair in 2006, told the news network.

When the National Enquirer originally reported the story, Edwards denied the story.

"The story is false, is completely untrue, is ridiculous," Edwards told reporters later.

Edwards has continued his denials until TWP weeks. He admitted to ABC News today that the Enquirer was right that visited Hunter in Beverly Hills Hilton last month, and that his wife had not known about that meeting.

Dayum, someone is in hot water! So you think John Edwards is the father of Rielle Hunter's baby? Denying the matter over all, so what would lie about the "love child" differently

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